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Exclusive: Ireland's leading UFO researchers discuss 'craft that landed off the coast of Mayo'

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

Dermot Butler and Carl Nally

Niall Feiritear

An islander off the West Coast of Ireland reported a UFO landing to researchers in 1945, claiming beings got out of a craft and took sand samples on a beach.

The startling encounter is detailed in the book 'Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland' by Dubliners Dermot Butler and Carl Nally, first published in 2006.

"Yes, that was a shocking report, it reportedly happened on one of the island's beaches, and the occupants got out," Dermot detailed to Side Stream News on Dublin's north side.

"Although accounts like that have to be treated with caution , the person who made the report had nothing to gain by lying about it. The exact location where the event reportedly transpired was not published, in order to protect the witness' identity.

"He didn't want the possibility that any local people in his home area might somehow get to read his account and then trace back to him."

The account of the incident from 'Conspiracy of Silence' reads as as follows:

"The man's fear of ridicule can be gauged that even thirty years later when he was tracked down, he wouldn't let his name be used in publication. The incident occurred, he told a Dublin based BUFORA member (British UFO Research Association), around Christmas 1945, on one of the islands off Ireland's west coast.

"Some months after the end of the Second World War and after his terrifying encounter, the witness went to work in London. In spring 1976, he made a rare journey to his homeland.

"While he was home, he wrote to the investigator about his experience.

'Conspiracy of Silence' book cover

"The witness had been visiting family on one of the islands, and at midnight left to go home. He lived on the mainland and had to wait until a local man was ready to bring him ashore in a rowing boat.

"While sitting on some rocks on one of the island's beaches, his attention was drawn to a light in the sky, some distance away. He had only occasionally seen aircraft in the vicinity, and he wondered if this plane was off course, because just before the 'plane' came into view, he saw bright flashes, like those from a camera, behind the dark clouds overhead.

"Within a minute, the craft was just a few hundred feet away. He could make out that it was square shaped underneath, while its upper surface was dome shaped and a silvery colour.

"Purple lights could be discerned around the dome section. He could see that it was obviously no ordinary aircraft. He became nervous as the object was making a noise 'like a drill' and settled on the water just offshore.

"Sensing he shouldn't be there, he jumped up and ran behind the rocks he had been sitting on. After a short time, he peered over the rocks to get a better look. Almost immediately, it lifted off the sea and flew inland, landing in a field.

Clare island off the coast of Mayo is one place that matches the description provided to BUFORA

"This man says he lost his composure when a hatch opened in the dome and someone emerged, followed by a second crew member. In the light given off by the object, he could see that the people who climbed out were not people after all. He was terrified and crouched down low.

"The crew member walked up the beach, picking something up from time to time. One of them filled a large vial with sea water. The witness felt they were collecting samples of seaweed, plant life growing in the sand etc.

"One of the beings looked directly at the rocks where the man was hiding, and he felt they were aware of his presence as they lept looking back from time to time. After a few minutes they entered the craft which accelerated into the sky."

Dermot and Carl found the BUFORA researcher in 2005, who dealt with the case. He was working as a senior manager in the English capital for a large multi-national.

"Yes this witness account was verified by the researcher when we tracked him down in January 2005 and talked to him about it. He works in London and it allegedly happened off the coast of Mayo," said Carl.

The two Dubliners have an almost mythical status amongst Irish researchers of the UAP topic, as it is more commonly known in the modern era.

Side Stream News asked the lads about their background, given that they have now been proven to have been well ahead of their time.

"Myself and Dermot Butler have been friends for a long time. We organised UFO and Paranormal Research Ireland (UPRI) in 1998," said Carl.

"We have organised conferences, bringing the cream of the crop in this type of research to Ireland. First one was in Galway in 2004. We worked with Eamonn Ansbro, Betty Meyler and Kathy Crinion, who were very generous in sharing their UFO files with us. We have come a long way. This research has taken us a long time.

"As a child, I observed these objects, there was probably 20 of the objects flying from south and turning west without stopping.

"How was that possible, right angle turns without stopping? That was over Artane, right above where I was standing. Right angles turns- that is impossible.

"So that got me interested in it. We have researched everything now from ufos to paranormal activity, we have been on ghost hunts in castles, jails, locked in Wicklow Gaol all night. We have three books out, working on a fourth book now. The sky is the limit, times are changing."

'States of Denial' cover

Currently, there is proposed official US Government legislation for 2025 that references non-human intelligence 22 times. There has been two Senate Hearings where top level military personnel have come forward to give their accounts of encountering UFOs and the programmes that deal with recovering alien craft.

Dermot and Carl are currently working on a new book on the difficult subject.

"The new book is a continuation of the first book, it tells a big, big story about Ireland but really it's a worldwide story," said Carl.

Dermot spoke about his own personal encounters and the strange occurrences that led him to where he is.

"The new book has new material and is an update. People wonder what is going on now. We have had a lot of interest in an update on what's happening," he said.

"My own interest, there has always been paranormal stories in my family. Weird accounts of family members meeting dead relatives, aunts and uncles and so on.

"I have had some strange paranormal experiences, not going to try and convert anybody. If people believe, that's terrific.

"As far as ufos, I can't say extraterrestrial as I don't know, but yes I have seen objects, brightly lit objects in the sky. They might go behind a finger of cloud and as you are waiting for it to come out, it doesn't emerge! And you are thinking 'where did it go?'

"And you would always think that it knew you had spotted it and it was deliberately hiding from you then to screw with your mind.

"Since childhood, these encounters made me fascinated with it. Bermuda triangle, the Welsh triangle- a location where weird sightings have been reported for decades. It's close to us geographically, and our interest in the Aer Lingus tuskar rock crash in 1968.

"That was in our second book, 'States of Denial.' The aircraft- it was highly unusual- the aircraft went on a weird, alternate route to its usual route. But the witness saw it on the original route before it crashed."

Carl said that they have found similar cases elsewhere around the globe.

'Circle of Deceit' book cover

"We compared that anomaly to other anomalies around the world. We found there were umpteen experiences by pilots on the border between the US and Canada around the Great Lakes area. Some were more peculiar than the Bermuda Triangle."

Dermot continued; "We found a fascinating case with a landing pilot on finals and unfortunately, crashed. The unusual part was the pilot was reported to be talking to air traffic control after the plane had crashed. We went into the archives of the American FAA, we found the report which backed it up. Air traffic control couldn't explain it."

Carl added that "They said they were directing this guy in but he was already dead. It had crashed twenty minutes earlier in a garden. It was just so strange.

"It's the strangest phenomenon. How can you be talking to ATC on finals, due out of the clouds, but you were dead twenty minutes earlier? Crashed in a back garden.

"It was like two separate simultaneous time lines, a glitch in the matrix. He was supposed to go on a certain timeline, the energy was still there, he was supposed to go this way, but he was already dead over here.

"Two separate timelines. It's like a glitch in time. These strange phenomenon are happening all the time, right in plain view.

"Has it got something got to with a glitch in time? It is like ghosts and this phenomena of 'missing time', when someone has a weird ufo experience and then things start happening in their house. Everything is connected, I think."

Carl described this as "almost like a knock on effect , as if your brain is re-wired psychologically. Can't explain it but it happens. We have come across numerous people who have conversations with somebody and then they find out the person they spoke to, died weeks earlier.

"We had a case of someone who died and was seen driving on the M50, the same person was seen by her brother driving down a small bohereen in Galway days later, same car, same reg, waving at him. But she was dead. He looked again and she was gone."

Both men have found that there has been a massive change in society's attitudes to the topic.

"People are becoming much more open and interested," said Carl. "Taxi drivers will tell you all their paranormal experiences in the back of the cab that they were afraid to talk about because of ridicule. Way back there was ridicule, but with the Pentagon release, everything has changed.

"We started out in a time of ridicule, we founded the oldest organisation for this in Europe and we were constantly getting kicked in the head in every interview.

"Now everybody says we were right. The US Government is saying it is right but they are holding back on what it is all about.

"UFOs exist, that is indisputable, the French CNES and British have released information that they had military jets being overtaken by UFOs; the pilots are told not to engage."

So what do these two researchers think is happening in our skies, what exactly are we dealing with?

"There's two things. We interviewed these girls who went into St. Anne's park for a smoke and it suddenly turned dark and they didn't know what had happened. Was it an abduction? When they went home they had strange poltergeist activity at home. We just think everything is connected. It could be an inter-dimensional thing.

"Where do they come from? Future? Past? We think it is everything. Why it is there? Who knows," said Carl.

Dermot replied "I think it is a combination of forces. I think they were here a hell of a long time, I think some of them seeded us here. We may be from them. They may be in charge of our DNA and the DNA of the species of this planet.

"Off world? Inter dimensional? Other timelines? Take your pick. I think it is a combination of all the above.

Carl added "I would say to the public; be aware, be very aware. Always keep an open mind," before Dermot concluded that "Politicians will duck and dive. In the final analysis, with Roswell, who has the guts to admit they have been lying to the whole world for three quarters of a century. Who has the guts to take that flack?"


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