Dr Ansbro recorded these images of saucer craft over Roscommon
Niall Feiritear
Wasn't it nice the way Manchester United honoured Sir Alex Ferguson whilst he was alive? Wasn't that nice?
We have a similar legend here in Ireland, but this country is backwards. Over the weekend, a tier 1 military pilot from the US Marines went on prime time US television and spoke eloquently about retrieving a non-human craft for the US Government, he also spoke about contact with NHI (non human intelligence) during this incident.
He is not the first; we have had top level military testimony under oath in two hearings about this subject. This is old news to anyone who has experienced this stuff for themselves, or indeed put in any modicum of research.

When one does the research, one knows the reality, the end. Anyone who is skeptical at this point is deserving of sympathy.
Patrick Jackson (likely a Sir someday) aka the man who explained the sphere network to the planet before it goes mainstream, put it eloquently when he said: "Anyone who wants to find out for yourself, just go sit out your back garden with night vision goggles for a few hours every night."

Yet in Ireland, we have an astronomer who gets standing ovations in Universities from Scotland to Scandinavia, where his UAP work is revered, and whose most recent findings were presented at the Geophysical Union in Washington, yet in Ireland he receives crickets, or even bizarre skepticism.
Credit to Newstalk, probably the only mainstream news organisation that has had Eamonn on.
In the past few days, Sidestream News released Dr Ansbro's image of a UAP beaming a ray of light down over Roscommon.
One thing we didn't expect was anonymous journalists attacking the veracity of the images. There seems to be two realities these days: Those that know about the reality of NHI in our skies and those that are eternally at a loss.

A couple of years ago I wrote a piece in the Irish Independent with the intention of getting Dr Ansbro back on the Late Late show. Unfortunately, the Belgians who own that paper put the article behind a paywall so it never got to all the eyes it was intended to.
Eamonn was on the Late Late back in the 90s and spoke about his research and the reality of UFOs, only to be put sitting beside some crackpot in a white robe and laughed at by the audience.

Yet, here we are. All these years later and he is and was right. Dr Eamonn Ansbro deserves to be back on the Late Late. If there is any justice in the world, this will happen. Patrick?
To try keep the skeptics happy, there are some further images from Dr Ansbro's UAP encounters over Lough Key included here.

He and his team filmed three saucers over the lake, one of which beamed down a ray of light. He has done up a map of the route that these UFOs took and if journalists are willing to actually do a bit of research -other than armchair commentary- why not drive over to Boyle?

Eamonn will be happy to show anyone the VHS tape of his encounters on his laptop, as well as give detailed descriptions of these events. If he is not speaking at an academic function.
No, the burden of proof is no longer on the likes of Dr Ansbro. He presented it on Irish television 30 years ago. The burden is now on the public to wake up from their eternal slumber.
In the meantime, here are some quotes from US military pilot Jake Barber's News Nation interview at the weekend.
What he has revealed about UFOs will change the world.
“We’re in this rare opportunity in human history where it’s very clear that we know that there are things flying in the sky that are unexplained and un-understood, and that’s another one of the things that I’m uniquely providing information on,” Barber said.
“A lot of the work we did was on what I call ‘the range,’ where the U.S. government and its private partners used to test all kinds of things — weapon systems and resilience to weapon systems of certain craft — and so you see a lot of exciting things.
“It’s always interesting out there. Things come in and out of sight. Things disappear for a moment and reappear. Things seem to move very quickly. Things change colour. They change shape.
"We recovered things that were exotic in nature. We know they were classified craft. And we recovered them and took them back to where they go.

"Just visually looking at the (egg shaped) object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was not human.
“I was a helicopter pilot, and I operate with a 150-to-200-foot-long line. So, I got within 150 feet of this object.
“I saw an egg, a white egg, There was no engine. There was no thermal signature. I was operating at night when I finally came in to pick it up. So, I’m working under night vision goggles at the time, and it was quite clear. I flipped them up, flipped them down and looked at it a couple of different ways.
The “metallic, pearly white” object was roughly the size of a car.
“I can tell you that the reaction by my team … we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary.
“I’ll tell you that because of the reaction of my leadership structure and because of my experience working in that capacity, everyone involved was convinced that what we were seeing and dealing with was, in fact, exotic in its origin. I will also tell you that during this process, over the last couple of years, it’s been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP Task Force that what we were working with that night was, in fact, NHI (nonhuman intelligence), and it was not a unique experience.”

Barber said he is not aware what happened to the UFO after his team dropped it off at an undisclosed location.
“It would be taken to a secure facility. But my role stops once I deliver it," he added.
“There was another object. One was the egg, the other is what I called an ‘eightgon.’ The eightgon was essentially a flying disc with what looked like eight delineated sections when looking down.
"And I can tell you what it looked like from looking down because that’s primarily how I saw it. Because I’m a helicopter pilot. We did recoveries with the eightgons. There was more than one that made its way to the ground on this particular operation.
“As I get closer to this site, I start feeling odd, I start feeling extremely emotional, and the closer I get, the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me. I feel this intense hybrid of sadness and happiness and beauty and song, and it was very disruptive to me because I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night. And I began wondering, ‘What was wrong with me?’
“I felt like something connected with me. I felt like something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. It was so overwhelming that I began to cry.
“It was a very feminine energy. I’ll tell you that it felt like the spirit of God, but not in any masculine sense. And it wasn’t like a soul; it was like a frequency that I was connected with. And whatever that force was since that night, it has stayed with me. And as crazy as this sounds, it’s what’s guiding me now."
Barber said the UAP was summoned by members of the military with special abilities: the “Psionics.”
Psionics, according to Barber, are people with a “predisposition for extratemporal abilities and sensitivities,” ie psychic powers.
“In the program, there was certainly a desire to explore the idea that perhaps UAP could be summoned, could be communicated with, could be controlled and could be persuaded to land, all by deploying people with psionic abilities to interface and communicate with the UAP.
“After this particular mission, I and everyone on my team got extremely sick, like physically ill, in the hospital. Within weeks after this, I lost every hair on my body, which they call alopecia. I also lost the skin on my arms, so the skin’s actually falling off your body. I ended up developing a severe heart murmur that I’d never had before.”
News Nation received comment from Dr Gary Nolan of Stanford University who stated that Barber was exposed to some form of radiation during the retrieval operation.