A general election candidate from Galway has stated how globalism may be working against the interests of the people of Ireland.
AJ Cahill is the leader of The Irish People, a new party which he founded in light of the changes taking place in Irish society.
"The Government have gone completely rogue," Mr Cahill told Side Stream News.
The Galway politician is of the opinion there is well advanced plan unfolding on the island.
"There's nothing natural about what's going on in Ireland, it's completely planned," he said.
"It is very thorough, this attack of globalism against the nation States of the West.
"In particular, the attack on the family, which is the building block of any country. The children and particularly the women, who are such a foundational thing.
"You have people in positions of power who should be nowhere near it."
Mr Cahill referenced the current Taoiseach, Simon Harris, and his possible lack of life experience.
"Harris never had a proper job, maybe as tea boy for the local paper. A Fine Gael typical branch has 30 members with a meeting once a month. They're all auld fellas. Any new blood that turns up gets in, you keep turning up you get elected, every other young guy is off getting pissed and having a life."
Mr Cahill also spoke about the discontent in Irish communities in the run up to the election, as the Government forces IPAS (International Protection Accommodation Service) centres for refugees into small and large towns right across the country.
"People don't realise it's hard work to get to power, but they don't realise how powerful the people really are. We may end up with a Ceausescu moment.
"But for that to happen you need social cohesion. But we are watching society breaking down.
"I was in Coolock and the cohesion was so tight but it's not like that in a lot of places."
The election candidate also described the divisions amongst civilians in the West, which is adding to the general feeling of discontent in Ireland.
"There was a protest in Belfast and on one side you had the British flag and Irish flag and on the other you had the LGBT flag. You had a Union spokesman giving a speech about 'fighting fascists again.'
"Unions are supposed to be about families, wages and workers.
"They try to get workers to turn up for a revolution but people just want a safe life for their kids."
The leader of The Irish People highlighted how big business influences these societal movements, and why.
"Corporations used to move money for production. You manufacture in Detroit, you send the money to Mexico and manufacture there for half the cost. Then they went to Eastern Europe, the China.
"Regarding globalisation, now they are moving people into western countries to do minimal wage stuff and drive down wages.
"And this guy who says he is 'fighting the fascists'- is now working for the corporates.
"Because it's a switch into identity politics. That pivot came with the 'occupy movement' in the US.
"You had kids with $400,000 loans you are stuck with for life, working a crappy job. And the big companies own the loans.
"So the students turned up at Wall Street. But Obama was President at the time.
"He shuts down the activists; the cops went in. The big banks took a break and re-orientated and funded the entire 'occupy movement' back into identity politics.
"BLM, gay rights, LGBT all sponsored by the same corporates who were being protested at two years previously.
"Because it's much easier to pay for pro-nouns in your email and divisive things than give proper wages. But it works a treat. Diversity comes from the word division.
"The US was almost a post racial society, they nearly got there, but they have set it back forever again. You are now , black, gay, trans, a woman; all divisive, and that spreads."
Mr Cahill described the reason why he decided to enter politics and why he feels Irish people need to resist this rise of globalism.
"The antidote to this globalism is nationalism, there is no other antidote. There is no other way out.
"Europe was based on two things: faith- the value system of Christianity and reason from Athens, logic. The rules of our society.
"That's what made Europe special, the scientific method. Someone says the earth is flat then another guy writes a paper saying he's wrong. And that science and logic and reason is what we are built on.
"Asia and China it's very different, they will follow orders all day, Europeans are very individualistic. That is what they are trying to destroy.
"The World Economic Forum...occupy the host and it's a parasite that comes and takes over.
"Weaponised our kindness and eating us from inside. Sweden tried this game. it didn't work out. We are making bigger mistakes at speed.
"You solve this with nationalism and a faith based system. When you realise things are going to get so chaotic here.
"Ireland was a high trust society, we knew what to expect from each other. Now we are going to low trust, high violence. Nobody wants it and nobody agreed to it.
"Most people don't know the scale of what's going on. There is gaslighting against anyone who opposes the Government policies.
"Our brand is The Irish People as part of a National Alliance. You can't marginalise the name. People are branded as far-right which was an effective branding. The public are naturally kind. They won't vote for someone they think is racist.
"But people are waking up to it the tactics being used.
"The issue here is the policies, not the people."
The Ministers in charge of mass immigration into Ireland have repeatedly stated that Ireland is facing up to "international obligations" during a period of global upheaval.