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Exclusive: UFO beams down over Ireland as Special Forces soldier goes on record about 'off world technology'

Writer's picture: Side Stream News ReporterSide Stream News Reporter

Updated: Jan 15

Image of UAP emitting light over Lough Key in Ireland, image courtesy Dr Eamonn Ansbro
Image of UAP emitting light over Lough Key in Ireland, image courtesy Dr Eamonn Ansbro

Niall Feiritear

A US 'Green Beret' Special Forces soldier has gone on record about his interactions with off world technology, just as Sidestream News releases an exclusive image from legendary astronomer Dr Eamonn Ansbro of a UFO beaming down over Ireland.

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"This image was recorded and analysed by us. The object was calculated based on multiple camera analyses," Dr Ansbro told us.

The incredible image shows a brightly lit object over Lough Key in Roscommon, which released a bright beam of light which shot down to the water.

Dt Ansbro's UAP beam image
Dt Ansbro's UAP beam image

"The size includes appendiges, which we estimate to be 90 metres across. The height recorded was 3000 metres.

"Movement was very slow. Typical of sightings in the general area here, as if they are coming into position to slowly scan the area then disappear. 

"Lough Key is a thin veil between dimensions for frequent manifestations," Eamonn said.

Dr Ansbro provided three further UAP images recorded over Roscommon.

"I have attached a selection of  other objects that are typical of plasma orbs, including a rare recording of a double orb with analyses.

Double orb recorded by Dr Ansbro
Double orb recorded by Dr Ansbro

"A very rare day light barbel construct with analyses is also seen. The instrumentation used is specially designed to detect UFOs.

"The tracking cameras to the left are both using 200mm zoom lenses. They are at a height of about 20 metres.

"All sky cameras are made up of 11 cameras. Each camera is at cardinal points on the sky with 36 degree FOV. The centre camera covers the zenith area.

"The whole sky has a virtual grid superimposed on the real sky. This is made up of about 1200

squares within the grid. Each square is 4 sq. degrees.

"Any object that moves, or manifests and moves, is detected," he said.

Legendary Irish astronomer Dr Ansbro at Lough Key in Roscommon
Legendary Irish astronomer Dr Ansbro at Lough Key in Roscommon

Dr Ansbro's latest finding were published in December at the American Geophysical Union in Washington.

"We have provided in the analysis supporting data that indicates that the UAP are technosignatures around the Earth which may suggest that these technosignatures are monitoring the Earth in an organised method.

"We are suggesting that UAP are techno signatures having orbital periods with  rotational period  around the Earth of an average of 65 minutes with a standard deviation of 38 minutes," Dr Ansbro added.

UAP over Roscommon; image credit Dr Eamonn Ansbro
UAP over Roscommon; image credit Dr Eamonn Ansbro

Just as these image become public in Ireland for the first time, a US 'Green Beret' Special Forces soldier has gone on record in America about his interactions with 'off world technology'.

Randy Anderson spoke with Jesse Michaels of 'American Alchemy', in a historic interview which was released on Monday evening.

In March 2014, Mr Anderson was taken to an underground facility at Naval Surface Warfare Centre Crane in Indiana to a secure compartmentalised facility titled "Off World Technology".

"We were at weapons training, we were doing pretty well, we got pulled to the side," Mr Anderson said.

"We thought we were getting some extra stuff. We went to another building, an elevator down. An odd thing. Down significantly further.

Green Beret US Special Forces Mr Anderson and Jesse Michaels
Green Beret US Special Forces Mr Anderson and Jesse Michaels

"I wasn't briefed on it. I'm a soldier, I just followed orders. It was starting to feel different, the mood was more serious.

"We go through a security check point. It was mored modern than up top. Very stream lined. Everybody walked on the right side, you followed a line on the wall.

"We moved through another security check point to some foreign weapons stuff. Pretty advanced stuff.

"Unconventional. We talked about that, it felt like we were being evaluated, as weapons experts. Another set of eyes.

"We went through a significant level of security, like a SCIF (secret compartmentalised information facility), very protected facility, that level, the highest.

"Strange after going through what we already went through. A scan, not uncommon but unusual.

"We moved down a hall to an area with a marking that said 'Off World Technology.'

"My bells went off.

"That started to feel; 'what is going on?' Weird sh*t started. It was significantly higher technology, even the lighting.

Crane military base, Indiana
Crane military base, Indiana

"The walls were like a farady material. First object was a sphere above a podium, levitating. Basketball sized.

"The metal looked un-natural, I can't compare it to anything. The energy in the room was different. I felt unease, uncomfortable, ominous.

"(Our colleagues) were acting like it was a normal Tuesday. It felt weird.

"There are civilian facilitated contractors working for Crane.

"They said the orb was recovered from a crashed craft. A control mechanism for the craft.

"And that it interacted with consciousness. We spent time there and then went to the next metallic object.

"Same looking, strange. Maybe something you could put on your arm, like a shield or gauntlet. With a crystal display screen, square or potentially a display screen.

"It looked almost like a mirage, with hieroglyphic symbols. I was just trying to act cool and look normal.

"We discussed the object, somebody was potentially harmed in the retrieval of that item. It had discharged some energy. Then we went back upstairs and were told not to discuss it with anyone. They were serious. I'm sure we signed NDA's (non disclosure agreements) in the paper work.

"It changed everything for me after that. I think differently.

"I was never exposed to anything else again, we never spoke about it again. (Other whistleblowers) were brave enough to come out. I think it is important to tell it. It adds to the credibility of all the guys who are doing it. It's the right thing to do.

"I couldn't sleep. 'Are aliens real?' It was shocking to my belief systems and took a bit to wrap my mind around," he said.

All of Mr Anderson's military credentials were shown in the episode to verify proof of his career in the US 'Green Beret' Special Forces.

The final word goes to Dr Eamonn Ansbro, who said: "I have started a more complex and ambitious project.

"The project involves both a conscious contactee and instrumentation at a pre arranged event agreed by the contactee and his/her contact with permission."

Keep an eye on Sidestream News for more on this.


Dublin, Ireland

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