Niall Feiritear
A UK 'People's Covid Inquiry' doctor and barrister has said the Covid vaccines were 'improperly tested industrial gunk' which causes inflammation, injected during a 'propaganda event.'
Dr Jonathen Engler, barrister and medical doctor with the HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team), who is a lead witness in the UK's 'People's Vaccine Inquiry' spoke with Eddie Hobbs late last month about the build up to the pandemic and its aftermath.
"I don't think they can keep the lid on this, censorship won't work," he said.
Mr Hobbs began by asking "There was no flu that year, 2020, it just vanished off the pitch completely. Was there a dangerous virus?"
Dr Engler replied: "In my view, there was nothing new added to the pathogens that is regularly associated with respiratory illnesses in humanity. Nothing new and contagious was added."
"I think it is really big thing for people to hear that," said Mr Hobbs.
"Whatever 'it' was, how could it be circulating globally from September 2019 until the emergency is declared with lockdowns in March 2020 and yet be completely unnoticed?" Mr Engler asked.
"I like to challenge people who believe there was a novel dangerous virus circulating and I ask can you find me any evidence at all, outside of China - we don't know what happened in China, we didn't used to believe anything that came out of China- outside of China any evidence for any reports written at the time, of any unusual illnesses written before the world went mad with restrictions.
"Nobody can find any clusters of unusual illnesses. How does something so lethal and dangerous spread throughout several continents for 6 months before actually becoming deadly and lethal? What kind of pathogen actually does that?
"We have this ludicrous image of this sleeper pathogen that is spreading silently with silent infections then waits for 15 days and then suddenly becomes lethal and deadly? It was the things done in the name of this novel pathogen that caused havoc and mayhem.
"Covid was a socio-political event consisting of propaganda driven by social media and testing in massive quantities. It was a propaganda event. We need to look at international politics to find the source of the propaganda event," he said.
Mr Hobbs then spoke about the approach taken by Governments at the time.
"I was trying to figure out who called the lockdown and where did it come from because it was completely contrary, as I understand it, to the science of how you handle respiratory virus."
Dr Engler agreed with this assertion.
"Indeed in the UK they declared it was a low impact pathogen a week before the lockdown was called, so something flipped very, very rapidly in the UK.
"We were following a course that was set over several decades by public health consensus and nobody has explained how that became to be flipped on its head.
"I think at a high level somebody had a word and planted a story and unless we did this it would be tremendously harmful. And that was followed internationally by just about everybody," he said
The pair held a deep discussion about many of the facts surrounding the pandemic which are largely unreported.
"And that completely destroyed informed consent, the very basis of medical science dead globally," Mr Hobbs continued.
"What I find fascinating is that in the middle of January 2020 , they have their meeting in Davos, and this guy Richard Hatchet who produced a paper for the Bush administration back in 2005/2006 that any pandemic should be met with military lockdowns.
"He was standing there with Stephanie Bancel of Moderna and Sir Jeremy Ferrar, who is now promoted to Chief Scientist of the W.H.O (World Health Organization), saying 'we need to follow the Chinese into lockdown'.
"That seems to be the moment in the West where we were being prepared for lockdown even though none of those people had any authority. Ferrar was standing in for the Chief Executive of the W.H.O who was busy on the phone to the Chinese. It is extraordinary.
"Why would Governments squash informed consent and run with a propaganda event?"
Dr Engler replied: "It is extraordinary. What I have discovered through research is that these events were not in isolation. They were the culmination of what has been developing for many decades.
"I wasn't aware, for example, that the flu shot mandates are common across the US. In the UK the elderly get but most people don't bother.
"This idea that public health can dictate what treatment people get, has been developing over a long time. 'Pandemic preparedness' has been developing, we have 'Event 201' the most recent of many such tabletop exercises."
Mr Hobbs: "Event 2021 was in October 2019, a simulated global pandemic sponsored by, well the WEF (World Economic Forum) were involved in it and there was a CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) person at it as well.
"Simulating TV broadcasts and lockdowns. And it was going to be coronavirus."
Dr Engler: "So all these people were gathered together and programmed to play their role in this process. One has to ask to what extent was that planned?'"
Mr Hobbs: "They flooded the zone with disinformation and attacked anyone who countered the narrative. That is generations old, how you go about doing that. I couldn't believe the speed at which journalism just sat down and just let it happen, without any questions being asked.
"I said to myself 'there's something very amiss this is not normal, this level of control is completely abnormal, we have never experienced anything like it."
Dr Engler: "We now have to doubt many of the stories we have been told in the past and how propaganda driven they may have been.
"If you said maybe 5 years ago that most mainstream media is propaganda, you would have been thought of as a complete outlier nutcase but trust in the things we are being told by the establishment has fallen off a cliff."
Mr Hobbs: "When we move onto the response, we had the dissing of ivermectin and vitamin D and there was 'only one solution.'
"Now we are dealing with what appears to be an increase in excess mortality whatever the range of truth; its noticeable, we are dealing with disabilities at a significant level, and the people who were harmed by it. And there is data.
"None of that has reached the Irish public, we are the North Korea of Western Europe when it comes to media on this matter; we are in operation cover-up, we do it very, very well here."
Dr Engler: "I don't trust the death figures now being given out by our Governments. The curve of mortality, for example in New York city, is fraudulent and we have done the same analysis in northern Italy, the epicentre of the event and that looks non credible too.
"I am very concerned. It is industrial gunk that has been injected into people that is causing inflammation and this is the main issue. Improperly tested gunk. These products seem to cause chronic inflammation.
"Problems across entire organ systems of an inflammatory nature. Most diseases are linked to inflammation. People have been boosters and this is inevitably harmful.
"There is a huge amount of weird, unexplained illnesses around. Cancers, heart problems, neurological problems.
"Government say the risk ratio was in favour of these products and I don't accept that. I don't believe there was anything there that required a special response, just carry on treating people with respiratory illnesses as before.
"I don't think a lid can be kept on this. Censorship doesn't work long term. So many people have been affected."
Eddie: "Should countries leave the W.H.O?"
Dr Engler: "Yes, on several basis. One, it is obviously led by a criminal, and is under the control of big pharma so is effectively a marketing arm of big pharma now.
"One of the big ills of the world is centralising everything and making everything global. It is dangerous and harmful and lays foundation for abuse and totalitarianism. There should be no organisation with the word 'world' in it."
Mr Hobbs: "You used the word totalitarianism, we are well on the way. I campaigned hard on this To me it was a landing zone for a technocracy.
"Immune from prosecution in Geneva."
Dr Engler: "People are forgetting how insane it was, people can't deal with how insane they became with it. Orchestras in miniature tents on the stage, people with holes cut in their masks for the trumpet.
Mr Hobbs: "We need to get people back critical thinking and asking questions, it is very healthy, that is how we come to collective wisdom.
"Over 2025, it's going to be very interesting to see what it's going to take to get more people to snap out of it.
"I will be banging on the doors here, the mainstream media won't like it and the political establishment won't like it but they will be terrified to challenge it because the data is there now, it is no longer speculation, it is on the doorstep."
Interestingly, Dr Fauci, who advised global Government on the pandemic response was awarded the prestigious Stearne medal for 'Outstanding Contribution to Public Health' here in Ireland in 2024.
There are currently loud calls for him to be put in prison by members of Congress in the US.
"He's not in prison because Biden is still President," said new US Health Secretary, Robert F Kennedy JR.
Last January, the W.H.O announced that Covid vaccines saved 1.4 million lives in Europe.
However, new US President Donald Trump recently labelled the organisation a 'globalist scam controlled by China.'
Eddie Hobbs was the first to make that assertion here in Ireland, launching the 'Killarney Declaration' in May 2024, which opposed the 'W.H.O Pandemic Treaty' during a 'globalist summit' held in Kerry.
Senior academics in the U.S described the proposed treaty as being the establishment of a 'totalitarian medical police state.'