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Updated: 4 days ago

Verified UFO
Verified UFO

Carl Nally and Dermot Butler

Having had a huge interest in all things paranormal since childhood, it was inevitable that we would both progress to studying unusual phenomena in greater detail.

Consequently, we had been involved in paranormal research and investigation for over two decades. Based in north Dublin, our organisation UPRI (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and Paranormal Research Ireland), was then formed in 1998 to probe unexplained phenomena. We have garnered material from our subsequent records, including detailed interviews with commercial and military pilots, government organisations, etc., to inform the general public, in book form, about the various phenomena we have investigated over many years both in Ireland and elsewhere around the globe.

Newly famous UFO image was put through A.I verification
Newly famous UFO image was put through A.I verification

In 1997, we were involved in the operation of the first ever international UFO conference held in Ireland, which was sponsored by Graham W. Birdsall and UFO Magazine of Leeds. In conjunction with the late Betty Meyler, we were instrumental in arranging a further six such conferences in Ireland, which brought together some of the best known speakers on the UFO lecture circuit, including: Stanton Friedman, Haktan Akdogan, Michael Hessemann, Gary Heseltine, Marcus Allen, David Cayton, Ian Crane, Paola Harris, Grant Cameron, AJ Gevaerd and Gildas Bourdais, to name but a few.

UFO researchers in Roscommon
UFO researchers in Roscommon

In 2006 we penned our first book, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, for which the foreword was written by renowned researcher and author Timothy Good. The book is regarded by many researchers as ‘the Bible of ufology in Ireland’. It went on to achieve ‘best seller’ status and also helped us to realise our goal of informing both the media and general public about the extent of UFO phenomena throughout Ireland. Many readers were surprised to discover that not only pilots were encountering strange objects in the skies above Ireland, but also that UFO accounts

date way back into our history.

Viscount Aer Lingus
Viscount Aer Lingus

The first peoples to populate Ireland brought with them high strangeness, with accounts of flying machines and technologically advanced weaponry evident in ancient Irish texts.

Our new publication, States of Denial: The Tuskar Rock Incident and Other Mysteries, explores the bizarre evidence associated with Ireland’s worst ever air disaster. The circumstances surrounding the fatal crash of a Viscount airliner, the St. Phelim (registration EI-AOM), on 24 March 1968, with the loss of 61 passengers and crew, has never been explained – until now.

Our investigation has uncovered many flaws in the Irish government’s 1970 report, and its two subsequent reports. The final report (officially a ‘study’) was conducted by a panel of vastly experienced international aviation experts. Aer Lingus had conducted its own private investigation and produced its own report on the weird demise of the St. Phelim, but the company has never made this public.

Plane wreckage from 'Tuskar Rock Incident'
Plane wreckage from 'Tuskar Rock Incident'

Our research delves into the murky world of conspiracies, phone taps, accusations and counter-accusations, foreign government involvement and missing evidence. The narrative reads like a mystery novel … but the evidence is all too real. We show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that paranormal forces were at work that day. The St. Phelim was doomed, from the moment it took off from Cork Airport until its demise less than fifty minutes later.

The three government reports, including that of the international aviation panel, failed to solve the mystery. The government’s final words on this perplexing incident are: CASE CLOSED. This year marks the 46th anniversary of the crash, and we present ALL of the facts of the case. One then has to wonder why the authorities are still locked into a state of denial.

UFO over Cuba (Only real UFOs)
UFO over Cuba (Only real UFOs)

We also examine how similar cases from around the world have mirrored the peculiarities evident in this case. They make unsettling reading, and prove that the sky above us has witnessed events which indicate that the unexplained is more prevalent than anyone has dared to imagine – or to admit.

States Of Denial: The Tuskar Rock Incident And Other Mysteries is an An Bord Gáis (national Gas Board) Book Club recommended read, and it has also been the Mercier Press Book Of The Month. The Mercier Press award had also been previously given to the best-selling Conspiracy Of Silence: UFOs in Ireland.

Carl Nally and Dermot Butler. (UPRI)


Dublin, Ireland

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